001-The Importance of Hiring a Home Inspection (for the Buyer)

001-The Importance of Hiring a Home Inspection (for the Buyer)

Expert Opinion and Ability

In North Carolina, for a home inspector to be legally in business, he or she must be licensed and insured. Not just anyone is allowed to open a home inspection business. The training required to get your home inspectors license gives you the understanding to complete a thorough home inspection to ensure that the client is getting their money's worth. At Presley-Barker Inspections, you’re not only getting an inspector who is licensed and insured but you are getting an inspector who has over 10 years of practical experience in the construction industry. Most inspectors no how to point out the defects but PBI inspectors are seen construction projects come to life in the field and can provide a deeper level of understanding.

To complete a home inspection, you also need the physical ability. A home inspector will need to be able to climb a ladder, walk a roof, get into the crawl space under a home, and get into other tight spaces such as the attic. If you cannot complete these tasks then it will be easy to miss defects and hazards.

Provide Information to Make a Reasonable Decision

The home buying process is stressful especially if you’re buying your first home. It’s easy to fall in love with what you see but a home inspector will expose what the layman would not notice. The goal of a home inspection is not to scare the buyer away, it is simply to provide the information the client needs to make an informed decision. A home inspector will state the facts and leave it up to our client to make an informed decision.

Peace of Mind

Ultimately, a home inspection will provide peace of mind. It exposes any defects or possible hazards with a home and gives the buyer the information needed to make an informed decision. Presley-Barker Inspections provides home buyers peace of mind. After the home inspection is complete, you will know exactly what you are buying.